Website Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is for this website: and is served by HANLEY & CO, a trading name of ICS Accounting Limited and governs the privacy of its users who choose to use it.

This Privacy policy describes how we collect and use personal data about you during, throughout and after your working relationship with us, in accordance with the UK GDPR, which is the retained EU law version of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) and the DPA (Data Protection Act 2018) and the PECR (Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations). The UK GDPR, together with the Data Protection Act and PECR compromise the personal data protection legislation in the UK.

Additionally, it will explain the use of cookies or software, advertising or commercial sponsorship from third parties and the download of any documents, files or software made available to you (if any) on this website. Further explanations may be provided for specific pages or features of this website in order to help you understand how we, this website and its third parties (if any) interact with you and your computer/device in order to serve it to you. Our contact information is provided if you have any questions.

Data Protection – Privacy Information

This website complies with the UK GDPR, DPA and PECR.  Our GDPR Representative is the Head of Compliance. For any queries about this policy or the UK GDPR, please contact

We reserve the right to update this notice at any time. It’s important that you read this notice to know how and why we use your data.

Our privacy policy embodies the key principles of the GDPR:

  • Lawfulness, fairness and transparency
  • Integrity and confidentiality
  • Data minimization
  • Accuracy
  • Purpose limitation
  • Storage limitation
  • Accountability
  • Processing of your personal data

If you provide any personal data to us on our website, the details will be stored securely and only retained for the length of time it was originally collected for. This is our legitimate interest. If you wish to withdraw your consent to any of the data we hold for the use of cookies, please use the ‘cookie consent’ toolbar provided, or follow the link in the Cookie section below.

If you have agreed to any marketing communications and wish to withdraw your consent, you may opt out at any time by emailing or use the unsubscribe option in the material sent to you.

Please be aware that calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

What Data Do We Collect?

We will collect personal data relating to you, which may compromise of:

name, telephone, documents, email address, job title, company name, profession, employment (umbrella) related data, address, date of birth, next of kin, web browser type and version and any additional information or data.

How Do We Use Your Data?

In line with the UK GDPR, the data you may supply us with is only held for as long as legally needed and no longer than is necessary for the purpose(s) for which it is originally obtained.

Our lawful basis for processing your data on this website is our legitimate interest. For anyone who we offer a specific service to, we will state our lawful basis in the agreement that we enter with you.

We may use your data to reply to emails, market research, personalising and tailoring our products and services, personalising and tailoring the experience you may have on our website including user experience.

Further details on the use of your data are covered throughout this policy.

How and Where Do We Store Your Data?

Your data is stored in the UK.

The viewing and amending of the data is strictly restricted to only those that need access. We ensure that all of our software has the required security measures in place, keeping the data secure to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing, and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Do We Share Your Data?

In certain circumstances, we may be required to share certain data held by us, which may include your personal data, for example, where we are involved in legal proceedings, complying with legal obligations, a court order, professional advisors, audits, or a governmental authority.

We may sometimes contract with third parties to supply services to you on our behalf. These may include payment processing, delivery of goods, search engine facilities, advertising, and marketing. In some cases, the third parties may require access to some or all of your data. Where any of your data is required for such a purpose, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data will be handled safely, securely, and in accordance with your rights, our obligations, and the obligations of the third party under the law.

We may compile statistics about the use of our site including data on traffic, usage patterns, user numbers, sales, and other information. All such data will be anonymised and will not include any personally identifying data, or any anonymised data that can be combined with other data and used to identify you.

Your rights

The UK GDPR provides individuals rights into how businesses obtain, store and access their personal data. These rights relate to anyone visiting our website or if they use any of our services. If you wish to exercise any of your rights, or require further information please email

The Right to be forgotten

Although this is not an absolute right (I.E legally we may be required to retain some data, if you are utilising one of our services) we will wherever possible fulfil this request. We have 1 month to respond to this request.

The Right of access (subject access request)

All individuals are entitled to request copies of the personal information we hold on them. This request (unless profoundly excessive) is completed free of charge and we have 1 month to comply. A subject access request only relates to personal data I.E not business / company data.

The Right of rectification

Individuals can request for any inaccurate data to be rectified. Anyone who utilises any of our services we try promote updating us of any of your personal data / circumstance changes. We will comply with this request within 1 month of receiving the request.

The Right to be informed

GDPR promotes and encompasses transparency. Individuals have a right to be informed on what the company does with their data, how long this is retained for and whether this is shared with third parties. This is why we provide privacy notices to anyone who uses our services. This privacy policy also informs you of how we process your data and why.

The Right to data portability

Individuals can move, copy or transfer personal data easily by requesting their data to be transferred to a third party. There are rules around this, but where applicable we would fully comply with any such request.

The Right to restrict data processing

Individuals can request that the company stops processing their data. We have 1 month to respond to these requests.

The Right to object

Individuals have the right to object, unless there are compelling grounds which override an individual’s freedoms or rights.

For full details on individuals rights, you may wish to visit the ICO website.

Changes to our Privacy Notice

This privacy notice will be under regular review and may be updated from time to time where necessary. Should you wish to retain this policy, you can print it for your records or email

Resources & Further Information